Staff Training, Support and Development
This course considers staff support, training and development.
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Course Outline
A new recruit is a significant investment for any organisation, and as with any investment it needs to be protected. A proper induction process is important in making the recruit feel welcome and valued, and in facilitating his or her integration into the organisation. Please note recruitment and induction of staff are considered in a separate course titled Recruitment, Selection and Induction of Staff.
However, ensuring that the new employee feels valued, able to contribute, and continues to be motivated is an ongoing process, in which the Human Resources Department has a key role to play, primarily in the area of development and training.
This course looks at the issues involved in providing effective and appropriate staff support, training and development, but before doing so, we look first at staff turnover, why it occurs, the problems it causes and the issues that need to be addressed in order to minimise it.
Why Study This Course?
- Understand how to measure staff turnover and identify methods for reducing staff turnover
- Understand the importance of performance management, appraisals and team building
- Be aware of the importance of training and developing staff and understand how to identify suitable training
How it Works
The programme is delivered through our online learning portal. The portal contains all the learning materials, examination and certification, meaning everything is accessible in one, central location. Assessment is through a multiple choice exam, to be taken online when the learner has completed studying the course materials.
Our aim is to provide you with the very best deal available when purchasing the Staff Training, Support and Development course, therefore the registration fee, certification fee, tutor guide and end of course multiple-choice examination is included in the course price for you. The certificate for this course is provided as an electronic version. A paper version can be purchased for an additional fee.