Professional Boundaries
£30.00 – £39.99
This course is designed for those working within a range of care sectors. The materials study what is regarded as appropriate practice when caring for individuals and examine important considerations such as; safeguarding, legislation, suitable communication and the application of non-exploitative behaviour.
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Course Outline
This course explains the importance of maintaining professional boundaries and how this impacts on employees working in the health and social care sector. Module one looks in detail at safeguarding adults. Module two examines the legislation relevant to this area and module three looks at the duty of care and role of the care worker. Module four covers communication and confidentiality issues, while module five indicates the line that needs to be drawn in maintaining professional boundaries.
This course is an awareness course, which when completed will enable you to achieve a level 2 certificate. Learners will gain a valuable and in-depth awareness and knowledge of professional boundaries.
Why Study This Course?
- Understand the main types of abuse, harm and exploitation e
- Identify specific legislation relating to safeguarding
- Understand how duty of care contributes to safe practice
- Module 1 – Safeguarding adults
- Module 2 – Legislation and Codes of Conduct
- Module 3 – Duty of care and the role of the care worker
- Module 4 – Communication and confidentiality
- Module 5 – Maintaining professional boundaries
How it Works
The programme is carried out using a comprehensive blended learning resource pack which can be kept to record a staff members development in the subject. Assessment is through a multiple choice question paper and completion of workbook.
Our aim is to provide you with the best deal available when purchasing the Professional Boundaries course, therefore the registration fee, certification fee, Tutor guide and end of unit examination is included in the course price for you.