Moving & Handling Clients
£30.00 – £39.99
The Moving and Handling Clients Safely programme helps individuals understand how to move clients effectively, maximising comfort as well as recognising the individuals needs and wishes.
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Course Outline
This programme is concerned with the movement and handling of individuals to maximise their physical comfort. Although it is primarily concerned with moving and handling people, the health and safety principles described should be applied to all loads.
The programme covers the moving of individuals who require assistance to move from one position to another.
The final module is specifically concerned with assisting clients, to prevent and minimise the adverse effects of pressure. The other modules also discuss moving and handling methods, to prevent damage to pressure areas.
The importance of recognising the individual’s needs and wishes, and involving them in the decision making process is emphasised. Also explored is the assessment of health and safety risks to clients and care workers.
Why Study This Course?
- Improves how Careers Move and Handling clients maximising comfort
- Awareness of individuals needs and wishesMinimises the adverse effects of pressure
- Module 1: Preparing Clients and Environments for Moving and Handling
- Module 2: Using Manual Techniques to Assist Clients to Move from One Position to Another
- Module 3: Using Equipment to Assist Clients to Move from One Position to Another
- Module 4: Reducing the Adverse Effects of Pressure
How it Works
The programme is carried out using a comprehensive blended learning resource pack which can be kept to record a staff members development in the subject. Assessment is through a multiple choice question paper and completion of workbook.
Our aim is to provide you with the best deal available when purchasing the Moving and Handling Clients course, therefore the registration fee, certification fee, Tutor guide and end of unit examination is included in the course price for you.