Counselling Skills
£30.00 – £39.99
The Counselling Skills course is designed for individuals who encounter people with any number of issues, from bereavement to stress.
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Course Outline
The Counselling Skills Level 2 Course aims to introduce you to the theory and practice of Counselling Skills in a way that is informative, supportive and enjoyable. This course will lay the foundations of some important core skills involved in counselling.
The course has been written to be useful for staff to apply in their everyday work and will help lay the foundations of some important core skills involved in counselling. Perhaps you are working in Education, Social Services, the NHS or a Health and Social Care organisation that provides help and support for people with certain issues. This course will help you on your way to being a skilful worker.
Each of the four modules will cover different aspects of Counselling and the use of Counselling skills, and each successive module will build on the previous one to support you in deepening your exploration of this interesting and valuable field of work.
Why Study This Course?
- Gain an understanding of the nature of counselling and the helping process
- Develop key communication skills in counselling
- Understand the helping process and how to provide skilled help
- Module 1: Introduction
- Module 2: Models and approaches of helping
- Module 3: Working with feelings
- Module 4: Goals – and moving on
How it Works
The programme is carried out using a comprehensive blended learning resource pack which can be kept to record a staff members development in the subject. Assessment is through a multiple choice question paper and completion of the workbook.
Our aim is to provide you with the best deal available when purchasing the Counselling Skills course, therefore the registration fee, certification fee, Tutor guide and end of unit examination is included in the course price for you.